Friday, May 9, 2014

taking stock

Making : my flower gardens bigger
Baking : pound cake
Drinking : well water straight from the garden hose 
Wanting: a good pair of overall shorts like these 
Looking: at my stubbed & bloodied big toe that I closed the door on earlier..
Playing: with my arms in the watering can with Henry's
Wishing: I could bottle up this moment in Henry's life and keep it forever. 
Enjoying: the chocolate-covered strawberries Chris & Henry gave me for Mother's Day
Waiting: for the ground to dry up a little after last night's rain so I can plant more in the garden
Wondering: what it would be like to have another baby in our lives 
Loving: being Henry's mother
Hoping: to do some closet purging this weekend
Marveling: at how much Henry's grown as he runs sure-footed around the yard giggling
Needing: to go out and buy some shorts. This warm weather really crept up fast!
Smelling: red and yellow tulips & freshly worked black soil in the fields
Wearing: the most comfortable, stretchy, black t-shirt dress I own
Following: Henry as he chases the dogs around our farm
Noticing: how precious and beautiful life is
Knowing: that each day comes to us only once
Thinking: and praying for my uncle in Louisiana 
Giggling: at the muddied, wet mess that is my son after an afternoon outside
Feeling: revived by this breezy, warm day 
I first saw this Taking Stock post over on The Daybook

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